
1M4 was acquired in 2019 through a grant received in 2016 through NYS Senator Rob Ortt. Rosenbauer designed the vehicle which is composed of a Ford 550 cab with a custom Rosenbauer body. 1M4 was designed to be a multi functional piece of apparatus for us to use. Its primary use will be running EMS calls out of our Station 2. In addition to that, we added many features to it that make it unique.

The most unique feature of this piece of apparatus is that it is equipped with a traffic direction control board on the top of the truck. Also on the top of the truck is a light tower. We moved our mobile cascade system from our 1E2 to this truck as well. One last feature new to Adams on this truck is a portable winch system. This truck will also respond for FAST team call outs, motor vehicle accidents, and fire police incidents.

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